Compare and Delete Download

Version 1.01

Compare and Delete has been created to provide a simple method to examine collections of files that the user believes to be identical. It will compare these collections and allow the user to delete one of these sets of files if the files are an exact match.

This software is provided free of charge, 'as is' with no warranty either explicit or implied. It is not subject to the usual warranties that may normally apply to software sold as goods by us in the normal course of business. It is the responsibility of the user to establish the suitability of the programme for their purpose. Boa Dynamics, its employees and agents, cannot be held liable for any losses sustained either directly, or as a consequence of, the use of this programme.

© 2001 The software and all related documentation is copyright of Jonathan Smith. All rights are reserved.

By clicking on the 'install Compare and Delete' link you acknowledge your acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Please click the following link to install Compare and Delete.(2.52MB)


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